我们再看个德州游戏规则例子。你在后手,底牌是A-K,和其他前面3个玩家一起跟。翻牌是9-8-T。第一个玩家下注,另外两个玩家跟,轮到你做决定。在这种危险的翻牌情况下(两张牌同花色,三张连牌),如果拿着这两张高牌跟,是非常危险的。如果买到A或K,你得到最大的对子,但是会输给任意的红桃同花。就算在转牌(第四张公共牌)买到的是其他花色的A和K,你还是要期望在河牌(最后的公共牌)时不要有任何花色的7和J出现,当然还包括任何一张红桃。即使你的牌还没有被顺子,两对或三条击败,但你的牌还是很危险。那些非红桃的A和K只能帮助你在其他对手的底牌不是A-T, K-T, A-9, K-9, A-8, K-8时赢,你可以看到,这简直就是等待奇迹的出现。
判断可等牌数量当拿着高牌买牌时,一个主要的问题是:你的可等牌有可能也是对手的可等牌。举个例子,你的对手在翻牌7-J-6出现后下注,你拿着A-K两张高牌。如果你对手的底牌是A-J, K-J, A-9, K-9, A-5, K-5,你的可等牌会帮助你有高对(最大的对子),同样也会帮助你的对手买到两对,你的牌也只是第二好的牌。
Can you win real money on WPT online?
Yes. ClubWPT operates as a sweepstakes poker site, and you can win cash & prizes as long as you’re a legal resident of, and play from, the 43 eligible U.S. states, and Australia, Canada, France, or the United Kingdom. You can add a monthly subscription which grants access to tournaments offering cash & prizes.
Who owns WPT Global?
Element Partners, LLC, a growth equity fund, completed the purchase of the entire World Poker Tour brand and business for $105 million from Allied eSports International following a bidding war in June 2021.28 Apr 2022
Can you win real money on WPT?
Yes. ClubWPT operates as a sweepstakes poker site, and you can win cash & prizes as long as you’re a legal resident of, and play from, the 43 eligible U.S. states, and Australia, Canada, France, or the United Kingdom. You can add a monthly subscription which grants access to tournaments offering cash & prizes.
Does WPT use real money?
ClubWPT stands out as a unique platform among U.S. based online poker sites, and although ClubWPT does NOT run real-money games, members can compete for real money prizes, seats to live WPT events, and luxury WPT Voyage packages.
What countries can play WPT Global?
Because some European countries have decided to restrict gambling, WPT Global cannot operate in some countries. These include the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the UK. However, poker-friendly European countries like Finland, Ireland, Slovakia, and Slovenia are welcome to play.21/08/2023